Happy Anniversary to the Ridgewood AM Rotary Club! On December 11,

1987, the Ridgewood AM Club became the first new club to be chartered in 10 years in District 7490. Roy Tarvin, Phil Ross, Pat Mancuso, Bob Hansen and Jack Reynolds formed the nucleus of the provisional committee. The club was formed with 37 charter members with Roy Tarvin serving as the first club president. Over the past 33 years, our club has participated in service and fundraising activities at the local and international level, making our communities and the world a better place. I'd like to extend a sincere thank you all of our club's members, past and present, for contributing to the good work that the Ridgewood AM Rotary Club has accomplished, and continues to accomplish. I'm proud to be part of this group of fine individuals. Yours in service, Lisa
Lisa Sammataro President The Rotary Club of Ridgewood A.M. P: 201-970-8183 E: LisaSammataro@kw.com W: http://ridgewoodamrotary.org